Monday, March 26, 2012

Coco&&Breezy: A Night of Fashion

So earlier this semester a modeling group at my school (ENT Models), where my friend Toni Porter is the founder of, had a fashion show and the up and coming celebrity accessory designers "Coco&&Breezy" were the hosts. If you guys don't already know who Coco&&Breezy are, Coco and Breezy are 20-year-old identical twin accessory designers from Minneapolis, Minnesota. to find out more about them, click  HERE

I had the pleasure and honor of being able to interview the lovely, down-to-earth twins. It was a great feeling and also just an uplifting moment for myself. Here I am interviewing someone who is around the same age as I am, but they actually made up in their mind that it was THEIR time and packed up from where they were and making that big move to NYC, leaving the past behind them. Coco&&Breezy have  a unique story as to why they started their line with Sunglasses. I was very intrigued while interviewing 
these 2. 
 My interview with C&&B was exciting and conversational, these 2 were amazing people to talk to and just all around dope!!!
Of course I had my Handy Dandy iPhone with me, but I also brought my Canon:

 My lovely Co-Host that night, Francelle, this woman was working her tush off trying to keep the eager crowd under control, love her, she's amazing!

 Francelle and I interviewing one of the models...
 Many of my followers on IG, YT, FB, and Twitter know about my friend Josue!

 The art at the fashion show

Live Wrighteous.

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