I did a story on my roomie, she started taking a class at the sewing shop (finally!) I swear this girl belongs on Project Runway or something, every time I waltz into her room....she's either cutting....ripping...gluing...or even DYING an item of her clothes!!!!
So for those of you that don't know...Eastern Illinois University has this building named...Doundna..in Doundna..there is a sewing shop...in the sewing shop..there are some pretty cool things......
Yes...they wore SIUC gear! ...and they weren't scared..lol Tatum was a STAR !!!!
so there was a "fat sandwhich" eating contest..i don't even remember what all consisted on this here sandwhich...i just know it was GROSSSS!!! My September 11, 2010 consisted of football and tailgating, but we did not forget what happened on this day 9 years ago.
I'm Tryna Get You Alone...alone...alone...
My smokey eye that I did..it was so random..I woke up at likeeee 5 am with the urge to do some makeup...
My bathroom usually looks worse than this when I have my random "makeup" moments..
I said I would do a product review for Sally Hansen's Nail art pens...and I LOVE these things...why are they JUST now being invented????, I don't think I'll ever pay $3 for a nail design ever again. But its just like drawing on your nail, and as soon as you're done drawing on them, slap on a coat of clear polish..let em dry..and you're good to go!
Me and my roomie have a thing for OPI nail polish....sorta like our fetish. I've also picked up this nail designing habit...I'll do a product review for "Sally Hansen's Nail Art Pen"to show you how easy it was for me to do this leopard print on my roomie's nails.
I wanted to show my roomate how she's been neglecting her shades...DUSTY!
One of her many pairs of earings that I dable in from time to time! These are my favorite pair..
Since school has now started back, I now have more usful things to photograph, so ForeverRikk's blog will be BACK IN ACTION!
This would be my "aqua look" These 2 are sort of similar..eehhh idk what to call it? poison ivy:) These are just photo's of me playing makeup..no professional guys :)